
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Need a Miracle

The water is so black, the waves crashing against me, hitting the rocks under me over and over I feel like I am drowning, I'm tired and want to give up.  I pray Jesus will reach down his hand and left me out of the black water; that will mean my earthly body has drown. I start to float and feel better, I realize it is Jesus he is holding me up, carrying me. I have no strength of my own, only with His help can I make it.

I have so much going on so much, I need I pray I beg for total transformation, it requires a miracle.

Friday, May 25, 2012

So difficult being alone

Most single parents have help, their parents, siblings etc. I don't I lost my dad in 96 and I help my mom. Don't get me wrong she does help, she needed help with money so I pay her to watch my kids when I'm working. So I don't dare ask her to watch them when I'm off work. The girls dad hasnt seen them twice in two months. I just feel tired of caring all the responsibility, and no one to discuss it with. NO opinion no back up no cheering me on. Just totally alone. I've reached out several times to my friends to no avail. Not sure what is going on with that.  Everyone is so busy with their own struggles. But it would be nice to have a girls night out, just for a few hours to forget about all my struggles.

Last night was so tough, again. Like most nights. I get off at 5:00 usually don't get out of the office until 5:10 and depending on traffic will be home in 15mins. I pick up my oldest and drive another 15mins to get my youngest two. I think about them all day, and wish and pray things could change so I could be home with them. I think about all the things I miss out, giving them a great lunch, playing, learning and teaching, helping my 6yrs old with homework. All day I miss them so much.

It's 5:45 I get there to pick them up; they don't miss me as much as I missed them. My 6yrs old is tired from a day of field day at school and is uncooperative,winy and hungry. My 2 yr old refuses to get in his car seat, saying he's a big boy and doesn't need it.  I'd forgotten my mom asked me to take her to the store, she doesn't drive. We all go to the store a very busy 2yr old, a tired 6 yr old, and 14 yr old that wont stop text to look where she is going and my mom and I. Thankfully the store wasn't busy and she just got a few things. But in that short bit of time I think i heard can you buy me this at least 3 times from each child, and leave me alone, stop touching me, go away a thousand times. The little ones were arguing. My son wanted a hug from my winy and tired 6yrs old. We finally get home at 6:30 I cook dinner, sirloin tip, sweet potatoes and broc. NO ONE comes to the table, at least one child took a turn telling what they didn't like on their plate. In my head I heard " Thanks mom, you are the best cook ever. We will eat it all and help you clean up afterward so you can rest. We love you"  I don't know if i even tasted it, but it looked pretty on the plate. I managed to fit in baths and a load of laundry and was finally able to sit and watch SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE at 9p.m. CRIED SEVERAL TIMES.  so tired So tired. I love my kids, I wish they missed me and looked forward to seeing me as much as I do for them. My highlight of the night was when my 2yr son, was playing climbed under my shirt with his head out the top and feel asleep like that.

As I'm venting in this blog my poor oldest DD is texting me how much she dislikes her Dad, because he wont help us and stopped paying child support. I feel so bad for her and don't know how to help her and ease her pain. I wish i could do so much over again. I didn't set out for our life to be this way and I question God daily what is his plan for our life. I cant keep this up that's for sure. This day is just a bad one, i dont always feel this way. I'm looking forward to the three day weekend and a trip to the park for Park Quest.

Wish I  had that village today.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weight Loss Journey

I’ve been overweight for about 15 years, and have been struggling back in forth for years at my highest I was 245 and am 5 6’. I was rolling bladeing at park my right ankle snapped, I was 19 and had to have 6 screws placed in it. To this day it still hurts.
Thankfully the awesome YMCA and the Open Door Policy, our family was given a membership at a reasonable price we could afford. .I’ve been almost everyday since May 5th, and have lost 3 lbs. I also do Zumba two evenings a week.

Today I was having a hard day, feeling sorry for myself, tired of the same old mistakes, praying something will change. I didn’t feel much like going but I didn’t have an excuse not to go. I always bring my clothes with me. So I went and I was able to run for 18 entire minutes without stopping and walked the rest of 30 mins. I realized I really liked running after my first 5k.  For you athletes this may not be huge, but for me it was. I had this giant smile across my face. This is big for someone that has to loss 80lbs. I was so excited, and I felt great afterward.

Police Search for Wanted Sex Offender - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -

Police Search for Wanted Sex Offender - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -


So I wanted to start this blog to give and get advice on all things related to being a single parent, or just anyone really. I have failed to connect with people for some unknown reason. I've offend wondered if people can see the black cloud that hovers over me and they are afraid it's full of acid rain that will fall on them. My short life of 35 years consists of so many life changing things. As I post I will slowly add things in about my life that i struggle with on a daily basis. They are about the loss of family members, sexual abuse, relationship troubles, struggles with my faith, teenage daughter issues, etc.
I hope this will show we are not alone in our life-ly battles and we can help each other with kind words of encouragement, advice,and/or just a little prayer. Please no negativity. There is plenty of that already.  

I will add all kinds of things to the site, kind of a one stop shop as it pertains to me each day or I think it may help my followers. I'm really new at this so please be patient. I'm hoping this will be a great safe healthy outlet for me and hopefully for you, too. 
Thanks for checking out my page.